
Giving is part of our worship to God and living out a lifestyle of putting him first. John Wesley said that “the last part of a person to get saved is their wallet”. Giving intentionally and regularly can be quite counter-cultural but as a church we believe in being generous. It is also the way the church manages to operate. We would not exist without your sacrificial giving.
IMPORTANT: We are not a club where you have to pay fees in order to attend. It is totally free! However, giving is another way to worship God and is also the way the church manages to operate. We would not exist without your sacrificial giving!
Giving Online
You can give online via bank transfer through your own bank straight to us (details below). This is our favourite way because there are no charges to anyone – so we receive the full amount you give! Please don’t forget to Gift Aid too, there’s a form that you can fill in here.
- Account Name Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Stevenage
- Barclays Bank
- Sort Code 20-41-12
- Account No 8055 8540
- Please use one of the following references when you make a payment:
- T&G if it’s your tithe, a gift or part of your general giving
- SVPF if it’s for our ‘Stevenage Vineyard Property Fund’
- FOODSHED if it’s a donation towards our foodbank service.
Standing Order
Standing orders allow you to give a regular, set amount either weekly or monthly, until a date that you provide. It’s the best way to give if you’d like to be consistent with your giving.
The easiest way is to set up standing orders via online banking or banking apps. You can use our details above to do this. Please don’t forget to fill in our Gift Aid form here too!
If you don’t do online banking, then and would like to give by standing order, please complete the relevant sections of our Giving-Form (please Gift Aid too if you can!) and either post or email it to us, or put it in the giving box on a Sunday.
All cheques should be made payable to ‘Stevenage Vineyard’ and please reference what your gift is for on the back.
We understand people want to give just to one or more of our compassion ministries (e.g. Foodshed) and support the work we are doing in the community. If this is you, please make sure the donation is referenced so that the gift is restricted for relevant use only.
The Property Fund
We would love a permanent home where we can be more easily found and we have more flexibility to serve the community. So that we can be as prepared as possible, we believe it makes sense to have a property fund that can be used when the right opportunity comes.
Some people set up a direct debit and contribute
regularly, some give one off gifts. It’s totally up to you if you would
like to contribute. Our goal is to have a large enough amount that might
contribute to something like a deposit that would enable us to act on a
property. Just be sure to reference it ‘SVPF’ so that it is ring fenced
for this purpose. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us.
Please Gift Aid!
If you’re a taxpayer then do take advantage of the Government’s Gift Aid Scheme! We just need a few details from you to be able to claim, so please fill in our Gift Aid form. By doing this, you will enable us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have paid on any gifts you make to us – that’s a further £25 on a gift of £100 – and at no extra cost to you!
Please keep us up to date with any change in circumstances, for example if you stop paying tax, change address or no longer want us to keep your details on record.
Safeguards Against Mismanagement
- We have a board of Director/Trustees who are responsible for governing the overall finances.
- All employees of the church are subject to specific financial policies.
- We are subject to the laws governing companies and registered charities.
- Accounts are audited annually and available to the church.
- Accounts are submitted to the Charity Commission.
Financial Updates
Please click the links below to open the financial updates in a new window.